Oxygen360’s Media Manager Sandra Ferreira reflects on what affects Media Buying and how to keep ahead.
TV Networks are experiencing high levels of advertiser demand (but decreases in audience rating continue).
There are more advertisers than ever before fighting for TV market share.
Today, booking linear TV 3 months out won’t guarantee quality programs, you need to be planning & submitting bookings 4-6 months out from on-air date these days.
This ensures the best inventory, the most cost-effective & powerful buy for your business.
Buying short-term is like scraping the bottom of the barrel. Throw in other factors like the upcoming Federal election and availability becomes incredibly scarce.
So how can we mitigate these challenges?
Foresight, long-term planning with risk-mitigation tactics (for traditional short-term buyers), and open transparent dialogue with Networks.
By doing this our clients get a first-mover advantage – increasing the potency of the buy.